- Concentrate on developing each player to their full potential in the sport you’re coaching.
- Develop each player to work as a team member.
- Research and utilize new techniques within the sport.
- Ensure each player is knowledgeable regarding practice and game times
- Ensure each player knows what you as a coach expect from them on and off the court.
- Encourage and enforce leadership, sportsmanship and respect from each player.
- Write up the initial parent information and approval field trip form and organizers off site approval from the principal to sign.
- Ensure the team is entered & registered in tournaments for the season.
- Inform office to pay the registration fee for the tournament you are attending.
- Double check:
- Parent information and approval form before going on field trip.
- Make sure each player pays their sports fees and uniform deposit.
- Make sure parent drivers have filled in their parent volunteer form, and given a copy of their licence, registration and insurance to office prior to going on a field trip.
- Ensure you have a copy of each of your players Alberta Health Care number and medical conditions prior to playing any sport.
- Phone your manager with any game changes so they can reschedule rides and inform parents of those changes.
- Make sure players know of any changes to game schedule.
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