Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

Student Dress Code

The key concept for appropriate dress is common sense and decorum coupled with respect for our school. This applies to ALL students

Student attire should meet the following standards:

  • Clothes must cover undergarments
  • Skirts, dresses, and shorts no shorter than mid-thigh
  • No midriff showing
  • No low cut fronts or sides, no open back
  • Shirts/tops/dresses must have shoulder straps
  • No logos that include discrimination, hatred, violence, profanity,  obscene gestures, or sexual innuendos
  • No alcohol or drug references
  • Hats or head coverings are not to be worn during class time. There are special circumstances when a student needs to wear a head covering. These will be dealt with on an individual basis by the principal.
  • Footwear – clean, non-marking, footwear is to be worn in the building.  For safety reasons, footwear should be worn at all times
  • Pajamas are not considered appropriate “clothing” for a professional environment.  Wearing pajamas on days other than organized PJ days is discouraged.

If, in the judgment of a teacher, attire is deemed unacceptable, the student will change or the student will be referred to the office.