Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family


HCC Athletics Code of Conduct

In order to achieve our goal of performing to our full potential in each of our sports teams, we must adopt a team concept that all understand and accept.  The following guidelines set out clearly what you can expect of your coaches, support staff, managers and teammates, and what is expected of you in return. All of us will live by them.

  • Positive Attitude: Expect a lot of yourself, but always settle for the best you can do that day. Learn from errors, but do not sulk or dwell on your own or your teammates errors in a negative way. It is hard work to stay positive, especially when things are not going well.
  • Unselfishness: This is the key to success. None of us can succeed on our own.  There is no place for jealousy or a destructive personal rivalry on a team.  We win together and lose together – no one person is ever solely responsible.  Teammates who become abusive towards each other and cannot settle the dispute will initiate disciplinary action.
  • Respect: Treat teammates, coaches, support staff, managers, officials and opponents with respect. Feelings of disrespect, sulking or revenge detract from our play. Negative feelings lead to errors, penalties and underestimation of opponents.  ALWAYS show officials respect.  They have a very tough job.  Swearing is strictly prohibited on and off the court.  Swearing is disrespectful and only makes you and your team look bad.
  • Responsibility: Commit yourself to being on time, fully dressed and ready to give your best in every practice and game. If complications develop (injury or other), explain it to the coach prior to the game or practice.  Do not wait to be asked.  Do your part to keep the dressing rooms clean and help with the team equipment at home and on road trips.
  • Excuses: Accept responsibility for your own mistakes or errors, loss of temper, defeats or other short comings. Do not make excuses, resolve to focus on improving.
  • Coachability: Accept coaching instructions and other direction, including line-up assignments, in a positive and cooperative manner. You are fully entitled to question coaching decisions that affect you. Those matters will be dealt with after the game (never during).  Personal issues will be dealt with in private.  Should you have any concerns that affect you or your ability to perform, you are encouraged to bring them to the attention of your coach.  You can count on any such matter to be kept confidential.
  • Leadership: Every player can be a leader in their own way. For example, you could pitch in to do your part without being asked, be enthusiastic, support teammates’ and coach’s decisions and never let up or get down in tough times.  Some leaders are vocal.  Others say very little.  We need both types and we need leaders both off and on the court.
  • Goal Setting: Set goals for self-improvement first and victories will take care of themselves. Team goals will be placed ahead of individual goals.  Each of you will be asked to write down your goals and how you are going to contribute to our team.
  • Consistency: Strive to practice and play consistently up to your present level of ability. Keep in mind the letter and spirit of the game and appropriate behaviour. This includes avoidance of banned or illegal substances.
  • Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs: Use of tobacco or alcohol is not permitted at any team function. Use of drugs is not permitted ever.  Use of drugs or alcohol will result in permanent suspension.
  • Attendance: Athletes must attend all practices and games. If an athlete is unable to attend, the athlete must give advanced notice to the coach. Attendance will be recorded at each practice.
  • Parental Concerns: Every parent wants to see their child play as much as possible. However, each player is reminded that they may not receive equal playing time.  Different game and/or tournament tactics, various circumstances, player behaviour or captains decisions can affect an athlete’s playing time.  If you have concerns regarding your child’s court time, this can be brought to the coach’s attention following the game or tournament (never during).  It is never to be discussed in front of other players or parents.  Remember a coach is a volunteer and will try to be as fair as possible to each player and try to make the right decisions for the team at the right times. 
  • Academic & Behaviour: Students understand that school work is the first priority. If a student does not maintain 50% in each subject, they will not play until the 50% goal is met.  Student athletes must also not fall behind during the season.  Student athletes who have missed 3 assignments will not be eligible to play in games until caught up.  Students will still be eligible for practice during that time.  Student athletes should be a role model in and out of school. Therefore disruption during class time will not be tolerated.  If the student is sent to the office the coach will be informed and that student may not play (coach’s discretion)

Please remember there is no “I” in team!

These guidelines apply to everyone associated with the team.  Being involved with the team requires a commitment to abide by these 13 principles listed above.